Marvettes Musings

A place for what wants and ask to be shared.


Why Blog?

I set up this blog as a way to get all the thoughts dancing in my head out into the world. As a way to share my perspectives, insights, and I hope some wisdom. Also, to possibly build a community for discussion, discourse, and idea sharing. If you’ve found your way here, Welcome!!

Here I hope to develop a place to express the myriad mind wanderings that fill my headspace. I'm a newly 44 years lived black woman. I'm a spiritualist, naturalist, and mindful meditator. This will not be a lifestyle blog centered on a specific topic or interest, I would call it a me living life blog; which will encompass many subjects and topics, and all manner of writings my daily living may inspire, hence the name, Marvettes' Musings. I will share my current thoughts, along with past mind wanderings that have filled journal pages over the years. There will be "poetry ish" verse and prose; what I call my mini essays, that flow to me on commuting to and from work, and lunch time walks; thoughts inspired by the multitude of podcast I listen to, and articles and books I read; and what is created from a deeply reflective and contemplative mind. I have a robust and eclectic catalog of interest, so don't expect any type of standardized material, it will be as random and fluid as life, and I hope an honest glimpse into a life in progress. I'm glad to bring you along for the journey, and whatever adventure we can co-create.