I find myself being more present with the small task. As I sit cutting documents that printed on the wrong size paper, so the excess can be used in the correct setting, I notice how there is nothing else pulling at my attention. There are more and more of these small pockets; when I notice that I wasn’t drifting to some other place, or distracted from what is right in front of me. This is the beauty and benifit of a consistent practice.

As you continue to engage with it, over time, you begin to see the effects of your devotion. You didn’t notice the gradual shift, the noticing can sometimes come in a flash, ‘oh, this is different’. ‘How I am “in being” with the world is different’. It is also this that keeps us dedicated to the practice-the noticing. And in noticing these pockets of presence, I also notice how much less I am in agitation with other things when they arise. Because I am better able to focus my attention without thinking of the 10000 other things that are constantly trying to pull you in multiple directions at once.

I will include something I wrote 2 years ago that aligns with this sentiment, and was part of the seeding of right now.

Why We Practice 

Meditation is not something that begins and ends on the mat, it’s what you gain while you’re in meditation that you take with you throughout your day and into every experience and encounter; It is the thing that enables you to show up with presence and full connection. 

This is not a goal that you strive to attain, it is the natural flow that occurs when you allow yourself to be aligned to the fullness and wonder that exist in the Being that is you. 

I come into this through the practice of meditation and being purposefully present to what is happening in the Now of life. I have not always been in this space of awareness, nor did it happen immediately, which is why we call it a practice, and it is something that you do the whole of your life; if you ever feel you’re done, you limit your ability to grow and continue to evolve, and that’s a beautiful knowing. 

I’m inspired to share this from a place of overflowing love. And I was brought to this place by re-engaging in my practice after being distracted by current events, and not being able to sit and be. 

The week of May 25th I began what I planned to be a week-long period of meditation, prayer, and reflection, but the world and the Universe took me on a different path. Once I became aware of everything, I experienced such an agitation and restlessness in my spirit, and I was not able to find my stillness or sit in quiet. I couldn’t get the thoughts of such a tragedy out of my mind, and it wasn’t just the direct tragedy of the individual, but the collective tragedy of us all, because there is no separation of our spirit, only the illusion of the physical. But even though I couldn’t find my stillness in that moment, the foundation I had in place allowed me to stay present enough to focus what I was feeling. 

I made a video and wrote, what I felt, were insightful thoughts and perspective of all that was happening. I expressed myself in a personal and vulnerable way that I don’t usually, but felt compelled and inspired too, not just for my own healing, but with the hope that it would help anyone who found their way to them. Every day it was the whole of my world, and though I tried to do physical things to help channel and move the energy there was a pervading sadness and pain that I knew was not just my pain, but the pain of consciousness. Fortunately, I have been cultivating resources to encourage and support my growth and evolution. 

Even though I was not able to sit in practice, I was able to listen to material that has brought me insight and knowledge, and it was through one of these, @earthspeak podcast, that I began to regain my balance. I didn’t go immediately back into practice, but the episode to which I listened gave me perspective and insight into what I was feeling. So, with much compassion and care I was able to walk through this moment. Though I was able to maintain perspective throughout, and was intentional and kind with all I shared, it was a great feeling to get back to practice this morning; and the effect was immediate. 

I was able to reflect and connect back with Source and see more fully the beauty of us. I know it may be harder to see it right now, but it’s always there, we just need to let it in. I found myself moved to tears with the wonder and feeling of love that came just from being, loving all who are here in this experience. 

And that is the purpose of the practice, and why we should all try to find that which can give us the internal knowing and connection that allows us to become the full potential of Us. 


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