Note: I wrote this months ago, but didn’t get the chance to publish on the day on which I was inspired to write it, and this is the first day since that the words have felt appropriate to the moment. (I don’t know why some portions got highlighted, but can’t figure how to undo, oh well.)
Who do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you always recognize the reflection staring back at you? Because it’s not just a reflection: it is a representation. A projection of the energy you’re carrying in the moment.
There are some days I look in the mirror and, I’m like oh, ‘I recognize you’, you look like me. And then there are other times when I can look in the mirror and I think, ‘who are you’? I don’t recognize this person looking back at me. Sometimes it’s because who my inner self is does not match up with my outer self. Sometimes in a positive way and, sometimes in a less positive way: when I’m feeling doubt and having negative thoughts, and feeling unworthy and confused and uncertain.
I can look in the mirror and the person that I see just does not match up with my inner being; who is always supportive, always in a space of love and connection, in abundance. Building and exuding and expressing itself as the highest representation of the Divine.
So when I look in the mirror and I’m having one of those uncertain days, the image looks like me, but like a dimmed, matte version of me. And on days when I am in alignment with that effervescent, beautiful, high frequency, high vibrational, light being that is the Universe expressing itself through me; I look and I can see a physical glow. From my eyes, my skin, my smile. It’s like I look like me, but the purest, most loving, kind, compassionate, grace filled, expression of me.
I know some of this may seem a little woo, to be saying it like this, as if I’m talking about two different people; which in a way I am. Because as I said at top, it’s not just your image, your mirror image being reflected back at you; it is the projection of your essence, your energy, your inner being, your interior alignment. Your aura, to a degree, though an aura is a little different.
But it’s similar to when your aura is balanced, and whole, and well; and eminatting with love and compassion, and care and kindness. Versus when your aura is weighed down with the heaviness of negative thoughts and low vibration because something has activated a feeling of unworthiness or uncertainty, or doubt or fear, anger or pain: physical or emotional or mental. It can get dulled, and it loses that exuberant illumination that is our default, natural space of being.
We are born to be happy and abundant and joyous and vibrant, and enthusiastic. It’s when everything starts to get layered on, that natural state is hijacked and interrupted. And it’s not to say that that is a good or a bad thing; it is life, it is the experience we came for. That is how we grow, how we expand and stretch and evolve. I don’t know why we have to have those experiences to grow when our natural state can be joy and happiness and peace and harmony and ease and comfort.
I guess it’s the world that we are born into; this realm, this dimension, is a dense and physical place, unlike other spaces. When you come here you know you are coming for your soul’s highest and most Divine evolvement, that this is a realm of ultimate expansion and evolution and growth.
It is dense, it is heavy, it is weighed down with so much energy, that you have to navigate and learn to maneuver your way through; to come back to that Divine being that came from Source. And once you go through that experience, once you return to Source, you have reached another stage of your soul’s evolution. I think that’s why we have the experience of this paradigm; this realm; this dimension of Earth.
I started with the mirror and went in a bit of a different direction, but it all connects. It is all relevant and tied together by this lived human experience that your soul, your spirit, your essence, your Divine being is having.
This morning when I look in the mirror I see me; the me that came in joy and enthusiasm and vitality, and ready to have this experience of being a life on Earth. A being who knew that it would grow and stretch and expand and evolve, and who also knew that it was prepared and supported and cared for, and ready and able to wade through these waters and navigate these rough, choppy seas. But do so with skill, grace, support, devotion, and connection.
We only have to reach for the tools we are given to connect us with the Divine, and to bring us back into our highest selves; when we forget, when it’s interrupted. Just look in the mirror, and see the Divine reflected back at you.
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